Sunday, 25 April 2021

Invisible Gift

The Gift born,not%20a%20form%20of%20dyslexia. 



  • Uncompleted thinks
  • to lose something.
  • Unsuccessful.
  • Bad hand writing.
  • Make mistake when writing, talking.
  • Talking so much or silent like death.
  • Can not read loudly.
  • Fair of make wrong spelling, pronounce its causing social phobia 
  • Inverted sentence structure 
  • When someone talk quickly, difficult to understand.
  • Day time disturb me when i am working, creating (notifications,  loud voices, street noises,  or anything...)
  • When something attract my attention, i become obsess to do, i lose time perception, forgot to eat or do anything else or the exact opposite.
  • dreamer/ high imagination personality 
  • They are imagining every data; seeing, reshaping and discussing on their mind as a 3 dimensional.

  • Punctuation rules, forgotten capital letter, use capital letters in the middle of a sentence.
  • Imagining most of the situation on their mind trying to figure out.
  • During the reading or/and writing letters/sentences are moving,  changing shape/direction, blur\sharp, intertwined or split, like a contemporary dance choreography.
  • Lack of those planning, time controlling, time concept
  • They are using metaphorical aspect to explain the idea/s or the concept instead of using original method or information.
  • during work or studies they/them need to seated away from window or busy area.
  • It is took half and hour, a hour to get focused and only just a tiny single thing can disturb. 
  • Short memory, short verbal instructions.
  • Supporting what is told or written information with visual material will affect positively their learning and understand.

from the bird eyes I can see from now that my parents had dyslexia and ADHD but they never diognested and they never know or learn until I born and grow up until primary school not late but not enough early and nearly no one was know dyslexia in Cyprus. Still I am observing and listening my friends that most of it they have dyslexia or ADD, how ever they never diognested because no one was know that. they was prefor to label the students as a stupid, idiot, lazy, dumb

He was born a pramature baby 8 months( usually they cant stay alive)

he had jaundice after born Exchange transfusion (replace of whloe body blood) doctors was mentioned that i had %3 change to live.

i learned when i was young to be a fighter! if you want something you should get it aor you should do it no one can do it behalf of you, sometimes it was so difficult  to ask help 

 i was quastionering everything I was cruise  kid I was wishing to understand and know whatever I am interested in.i grow up as a builder, creator, invanter i was creating tent with broom stem and bed sheet and chairs i was using all kitchen and all broke house materials to rebuild new robots it wasn't working but any way i was 5 years old!

before preschool

i was a builder and inventor I was doing robots from kitchen stuff and I was doing tend with my grandfather i was doing drawing painting and kind of things. most enjoyable part of my life !


they were teaching us to tie our shoes I could not learn to tie the shoes this is what I remember most and I wasn't good at sport then one day my dayım teachme tia my shouse when I was prımary school 

- Primary school 


i was the last person sorry I. couldn t learn to read, write but my teacher filled  apple system was when you read and when you learn to read teacher was painting your apple with red some of had couple of red apple and my one allwasy half of red until end of the first year of primary school and that was meaning I was I couldn' learn to reading book It was shame.

PS3: I was feel loser because i was the only one who cant read, write, remember or could not learn the multiplication table.

my mum has discovered my dyslexia because of her friend. her friend was know everything about me and when she watched the program about dyslexia on tv and she explained to my mother then they contact  with Northern Cyprus Dyslexia Association. because she was never heard anything about Dyslexia before. after a couple of days we went to the dyslexia association centre and the people who work here also work for voluntarily. 

idont remember what she told me about dyslexia that day but when we were she and they start to explain me that they will going to do some test to me and i wasn't sure what test they want to do to me i was sceared and anxious.  i meet with guy in the center he was diagnosed with dyslexia as well and he told me that everything gona be allrigt  don't sceared (beyhan ?) he said, when the teacher (ulusal) (who allowed to make test) came to me and wanted to take me to test room ( they all was so friendly kind and all building was colourfully, green ping pong table, computer room and this kind of place i do remember every detail as a 3d picture) but i was craying (crying) and when we went to test room i stop to cry and he start to talk with me and he start to show me something the test was quite fun actually coulurfull tinngs, some pictures, and more fun things i was cruise about it and little bit confuse i doesn't have any idea about what i am doing there what was the test for i wasn't sure if i was on test or do we played game? 

then after those test they talked with my mum i was try ing to listen them i was really cruies to know and they start to explain me; - i have high IQ, in that term my IQ was same level with high school student they said it wasn't make send to me they keep explaining that i am dyslexic and albert einstein, tomas edison, grahambell, and moreover they are dyslexic as well and i was the same with those ginuis people but still doesnt make sense what they are explaining what was it am i still human ? i didn't   asked any single words (or i dont remember).

then we went to supermarket which is i like so much and she buy me a gift some toys and i was happy so i make connection on my conciusnes that dyslexia should be good think because my mum was buy me a gift and i was happy and proud also lots of genuine people was dyslexic how ever itwasnt make sense!

because i wasn't good at school they was keep telling to my mum that if he want he can do it but he dont want to do, we know he is cleaver but he need to focus, he is lazy...

they put me at the front desk to hear and see the teacher think it I was the tallest person around my peers and sitting front desk no one can see the blackboard who sitting behind me ( or I was feeling that way) I was feel so shy, guilty, idiot, privileged the bad way and no one knew I was dyslexic except  my teachers but they didn't understand  that and most of it never heard  anything about dyslexia  before, or they didn't belive me or dyslexia. Instead of trying to understand, they was believing I am the attention seeker (I was actually Dyslexic,(Phonological, Surface, Rapid Automatic Naming= Double Deficit Dyslexia accompany it Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia)  

i was bulling from my school friend or behalf of other kids and when i grow and when i get primary school 4-5 i was trying to protect other youngest class who has bulling from others or from my friends.

when i was at class 5 (last year in primary cshool) they was preparing us for the middle school exams every afternoon. and they was doing exams to see what did we learn and if we need push or something and  i was the 2. on the list how grate full isn't it ? but i was the second to last on the results list and our Administration teachers giving the result on the public. i am not sure if there is a any word that if i can explain how. was i feel my self i was lost all my confident i was louser, idiot. also i want to point that i said i was the 2. and the last person was ugliest, neglected, dirty, looked like someone never cared for by his family, never washed. (my intention was not to judge him, his situation was based on his family's attention to him, or his family's economic and educational background, and since I was in a public school, I was in an environment where people from all classes were present) and i was the same level with him maybe he was dyslexic too who knows but it was make me feel worse i was the same with the the guy And someday I decided to cheat the exam i looked my friends paper and i did what she did ( i was in love with her platonic way she never know it becose i was losser she never can accept me) and no one can believed the result i was the highest mark in the list when i saw my name on top list i was amazing happy but i felt that i am in danger because i didn make the exam actually it wasn't my mark and i tried to escape from school because i knew they will understand it.

then big day came to the door my mum said you should take that exam and i said i dont want! and we argued i was clear that i dont want to and she said if you are not going to take this exam I will not halal my right to motherhood.( its a block word when ever they are trying to hold you from something)

and i didn't go to the biggest exam which is its allowed me to enter good high school because all cleaver kids was going to those middle schools, and probably i was felt i am stupid, i was bad kid who didn't listen his mother !.

then every year going to be worse and worse in those terms we know i was the dyslexic and i was going to dyslexia club for support my primary school skills and they was trying to catch my peers in this dyslexia club until end of the primary school and they said i am fine and i graduated form club as well but be honest i never understand what did i learned or how i graduated. i was still same nothing happened!

Luckily my friends and a couple of kids find out that they are dyslexic too thanks to my mum because she is passionate lady that every year since i diognested with dyslexia she came and meet all my teachers and she bring lots of booklets about dyslexia to educate or give information about dyslexia and to explain that i am suffering with that because no one know in that term what is dyslexia?! most of teacher accept the idea while they didn't belive or understand, some of it was so arrogant and they never believed the dyslexia they think i am ovear reacting and I take shelter behind this, and only couple of teachers was helping me giving their passion, effort, time and their love. and i was loving those class and teachers.

i never can find time to do what I really love; play the piano, play the Violin, I love to dance but I never find a chance to learn and I didn’t feel confident because of this thinking if I was going to do a mistake or something wrong? it was frustrating, embarrassing me. I was blamed by my teachers more than a hundred times for the learning skill that I wasn't a quick learner boy! they kept telling to my mum that I can learn if I want but I do not focus it was embarrassing to me I felt I cant learn however some luck one of my music teachers was care for me and she was trying to teach me music instrument and musical notes and i was actually learning and i was enjoying and learning.

-Middle school

then i started in middle school my worse years ever full of punishment, violence, bullying, those kind of things i failed two times my first fail was so much pain i was tried so bad and i failed only one lesson wich is match and this years lots of people failed because of math do u know the common point all those people we had the same math teacher. and i failed and repate all year because of one math lecture! it was horrible i know i wasn't good in math but i wasn't that much bad then i decide to give up i never did anything on my class or i never listen any teacher again after this year but i passed because my mum was take me to private teachers for each lesson i am sure it was too expensive. and some luck i passed then i failed again becous i was lost all my hope and belive to school and those years i was bullying from my friend s or from others students. after my second fail i was clear that i wasn't to move another city in cyprus and my mum never wanted that because she knew it was too hard to keep me under control and she knew she need to talk with my teachers all the time to explain about me and i am sure it was exhausting some of ignoring you some of not believing. first of all i was had right to take my exam in separate silance class with out disturbing my focus and our psychological and counseling teacher was most obstructing person on the middle school she never believed dyslexia and she was the neighbour to my family she know me from outside the school but she was the most person who blocked me and she disturbed my focus all the time she bullied me ( if you dont know the answer you dont need to take extra time, its not going to help you, you need to bit more quicker and faster, if you dont know the asnver you dont know it! and more she was wearing heeled shoes in the exam room and she was walking round the class and you cant imagine the sound in empty class...

until new stager went to school she was new and i. think he new something about dyslexia and she help me so much and she fight behalf of me then i failed second time!!

 if i need to summaries the middle school it was horrible and travmatic! actually only one things that i had it was again one music teacher but she was intern music teacher and i was ask from her if she can teach me or i was told her that i love piano and she offered me to teach me during the break times my friend was playing around and chatting during break and i was go ing to learn piano and she was bring my first piano teaching book it was so kind person ever. Before the end of the year, the music teacher's internship ended and my piano education stopped there.

-High school

this days my firend find out that in another city we have music and art high school and her family talked with them. then i explained everything to my mum that i want to go to there or computer, mechanical high school then after long thinking process i attend the art exams paint and music i was loving music but i won the paint class becouse i never had any idea about music i was so busy to do my class works and other stuff and i never find chance to learn any music instrument.

and all my life start to chance in this high school al my future and i never knew that never!

i was so thankful that i faild two times and its make me to move somewhere different

i was so thankful that i failed couple of times the drow my future or when i get failed i tried something different. i fall down but somehow i couse to try again or do something. how ever it was really hard choice to come to UK for studying It was not a truth to think about and i get my power from my partner and my most passion was follow my partner and i was remembering my psychiatrist was told me i should go to UK for studying  and i was going to try for this and i tried really hard to get ready for IELTS exams, duringthis stressful term i had difficulty with my partner i was broke and confuse sad and same time frustrated with my last year of high school and luckily when i notice to my University which is i applied  they get interested and they arrange additional exam for me and for a couple of special persons and half luck most of hard time an too much try i get the chance to study in UK Canterbury.


i was lucky that i chose to come to UK i need today my partner and my friend that theymake me to come to UK and they push me for it they support me they belive me and my mum was belive me either and i tried harder but i tried more then more every year and every year was more challenging  but the first year was unbelievable hard. i had lots of broke down  i was broke up with my partner it and everything was horribly different end difficult.

i wasn't understand most of thing what they were talking on street or in lecture but i was doing my best because i was want ted to do it and i get so much help from my friends i tried i tried to learn but it was never enough. also i need to mention this as well i gett bullied  from couple of University lectures as well 


I feel easy and more clear to starting read from the bottom of the page to top. 

when I need to explasoe some idea I usually using metaphoric explanation because it is more easy than find exactly used words for explanation. i do remember the feeling of the idea and its more easy to transfer metaphorical meaning. 

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